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Board of Education

Board of Education

The Board of Education Website is your source of news about the Rockville Centre Board of Education. Members of the Board are unpaid volunteers elected by voters of the Rockville Centre School District and serve for three-year terms of office.


The Board welcomes input from the public as it works to serve the children and residents of the District. Information about Board of Education meetings is on this website.

President: Kelly Barry
Vice President: Donna Downing, Ph.D.
Secretary: Janet Gruner
Trustee: Tara Hackett
Trustee: Erica Messier


Board of Education Retreat
January 27, 2025 7:00 PM

Click Here for the Notice of Meeting

  • In Writing:


    If a letter is written to the Board, it will normally be placed on the agenda for the next Regular Meeting. It must arrive at least five working days prior to that meeting. The public is welcome to attend the meeting and address the Board regarding the letter when the meeting reaches the agenda item entitled "Opportunity for Visitors." The public may also e-mail the Board at In order to be considered by the Board, any correspondence or e-mail must contain the full name and address of the sender.


    By Speaking:


    Members of the public are welcome to speak to the Board. Comments by the public can be made to the Board at that point on the agenda marked, "Opportunity for Visitors." You are asked to take turns at the microphone and state your name. Because of the amount of business to be transacted each month, this portion of the agenda will be limited to 25 minutes. Individuals are asked to limit their remarks to no more than 3 minutes. Please expect that questions involving the day-to-day operation of the School District will be referred to the Superintendent of Schools who handles such matters. If your concern centers on the day-to-day operation, it might be helpful for you to contact the Office of the Superintendent before coming to a Board meeting. Many matters are resolved in that fashion.

  • Request for information under the Freedom of Information Law


    To make a request for existing public records:


    The School District will provide knowledge of all fees prior to a request being processed. Fees and postage (if applicable) are payable prior to the release of records.


    When you submit the form, FOIL allows the Rockville Centre UFSD five (5) business days* to make the record(s) available, deny access to the record(s), or acknowledge receipt of your request and inform you of the time frame required to respond to your request. * Business days exclude weekends, holidays, school recesses, and Fridays during July and August. 


    Choose How to Receive Records


    According to FOIL, public agencies are required to provide copies of records in the format and on the medium desired by the person filing the request if the agency can reasonably do so. Rockville Centre UFSD provides records electronically, where possible, or as photocopies delivered by postal mail. A person may also pick up records in person. Please indicate your preference on the request form. 


    If you would like to inspect the records in person, the Administration Office, 128 Shepherd Street in Rockville Centre, is open from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call (516) 255-8921 to make an appointment.


    The school district will provide an estimate of all fees prior to a request being processed. Fees and postage (if applicable) are payable prior to the release of records. All checks should be payable to Rockville Centre UFSD and mailed to:

    Rockville Centre UFSD
    Attention: Records Access Officer
    Administration Building
    128 Shepherd Street
    Rockville Centre, NY 11570


    Visit the New York State Committee on Open Government Web site for answers to frequently asked questions about FOILS.