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Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Department

Our mission is to provide support to our parents, students, and staff to help ensure that the educational journey traveled by our students is a fulfilling and positive experience that prepares our students for a meaningful life.



128 Shepherd Street

Rockville Centre, New York 11570

Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Staff

Marie Dalton
Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services

Maria Belfiore
Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Orly Gadon
Director of Student Services

Ms. Kelly Ramsey
Director of Counseling Services K - 12

Denise Barba
Assistant to the Director of Guidance

Rebecca Taylor
CSE Chairperson

Michele Stegman 
CPSE/CSE Chairperson

Notice of Child Find

If you believe that your school-age or preschool child may have a disability, please contact Marie Dalton, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services, at 516 255-8928, or Orly Gadon Director of Student Services, Chairperson for the Committee on Special Education/Preschool Education at 516 255-8942.

  • Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Pursuant to PL 99-457 and Section 4410 of the Educational Law, school districts are responsible for serving 3 and 4 year old children with disabilities. If you suspect that your child has a disability or are referred by your doctor or a preschool professional, please call (516) 255-8928.

  • The Board of Education recognizes that learning environments that are safe and supportive can increase student attendance and improve academic achievement. A student's ability to learn and achieve high academic standards, and a school's ability to educate students, is compromised by incidents of discrimination or harassment including, but not limited to, bullying, taunting and intimidation. Therefore, in accordance with the Dignity for All Students Act, Education Law, Article 2, the District will strive to create an environment free of bullying, discrimination and harassment and will foster civility in the schools to prevent and prohibit conduct which is inconsistent with the District's educational mission. Since cyberbullying is a form of bullying, the term bullying as used in this policy will implicitly include cyberbullying even if it is not implicitly stated.

    The District condemns and prohibits all forms of bullying, discrimination and harassment of students based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (identity or expression), or sex by school employees or students on school property and at school-sponsored activities and events that take place at locations off school property. In addition, any act of bullying, discrimination and/or harassment, outside of school sponsored events, which can reasonably be expected to materially and substantially disrupt the education process may be subject to discipline.

    Click here for the Dignity For All Students Act (DASA).

  • The mission of the Rockville Centre School District is to educate our students to become independent problem solvers. Our goal is to empower each student to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s emerging world. The District will provide a safe, nurturing environment where individual and civic responsibility is fostered, diversity is respected, and all students can realize their full potential.

    We utilize formative, interim, and summative assessments with our students to gauge their understanding of what is taught; however, MTSS incorporates proactive and ongoing evaluations, universal screeners, diagnostic assessments, and progress monitoring. Assessments tell us more than just data about our students; they allow us to assess our systems for stability. 

    Parents may request a comprehensive evaluation for special education, if they have concerns. 

    After parental consent has been obtained, the committee on special education shall initiate an individual evaluation of the referred student. The initial individual review shall be completed within 60 days of consent receipt unless extended by mutual agreement of the student's parents and the CSE. The individual evaluation shall include a variety of assessment tools and strategies, including information provided by the parent, to gather relevant functional, developmental, and academic information about the student that may assist in determining whether the student is a student with a disability and the content of the student's individualized education program, including information related to enabling the student to participate and progress in the general education curriculum.

    Click here for the Multi-Tiered System of Support Plan.

  • Northwell has partnered with school districts on Long Island to increase access to behavioral and mental health care for children. Our dedicated Behavioral Health Centers (BHC) provide urgent or same-day behavioral or mental health intervention for conditions that don’t require the services of the emergency room. BHCs also provide short-term crisis care and follow-up for students who need immediate services and help support families connect with ongoing care in the community.

    The partnership also provides mental health consultations to the school, care coordination for families, professional development for school staff and community education for parents. Our goal is to promote overall mental health awareness in the community.

    Click here to learn more about the Northwell Behavioral Health Center Partnership

  • The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has put together a Special Education Parent Resources webpage to provide resources available to parents and guardians to support the education of students with disabilities. 

    Click here for the NYSED Special Education Parent Resources.

  • Transition is the planning process that assists in preparing youth with disabilities as they move from high school to post-secondary education, the word of work, and/or the adult community. 

    Transition includes instruction, community learning experiences, or support services, which help to address post-secondary options. This can include assistance with applications to helpful community agencies, colleges, vocational schools, or assistance in finding employment.

     Below please find helpful resources involved with transition planning! 

    Transition Links

    • OMH
      • The Office of Mental Health provides services to children, adults, and their families with severe emotional disturbances. Services include mental health support, counseling, crisis intervention, vocational services, health care, recreations, case management, social services, and residential resources.
      • Location: Pilgram PC. Building 45-3, 988 Crooked Hill Rd. West Brentwood.
      • General Phone: 631-761-2886 
    • ACCES-VR
      • The Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation agency provides services to eligible individuals to prepare them for employment. Some of the services provided by ACCES-VR includes on the job training, job coaching, supported employment, finding trade schools, college and university programs, vocational assessments, transportation evaluations, counseling, career planning guidance counseling, and on the job placement assistance.

        Transition and Youth Services
        Garden City District Office
        711 Stewart Avenue, Suite 4
        Garden City, NY 11530
        (516) 227-6800
        (888) 263-2564
        Contact: Chrystolene Shade-Rolle
    • OPWDD
      • The Office for People with Developmental Disabilities is an agency that provides services to eligible children and adults who have a diagnosis of a developmental disability. These could include, but are not limited to, intellectual disability, autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and neurological impairment. Services include family support services, service coordination, respite, counseling, recreational activities, advocacy services, employment training, residential opportunities, adaptive equipment and more!